Policy Number: SHM-001
Contact for Reporting: Monica Sood, Director of International Training & Development

Email: monica.sood@orane.ca
Approved By:
Board of Directors


Orane International College, Burnaby, is committed to fostering a learning and working environment that is free from sexual harassment, violence, and misconduct. This policy aims to:

  1. Ensure a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all members of the College community.
  2. Clearly define responsibilities in the prevention, reporting, and response to incidents of sexual harassment and misconduct.
  3. Provide education, resources, and prevention measures to reduce the occurrence of sexual misconduct.
  4. Offer support services to individuals impacted by sexual misconduct, including access to counselling, medical assistance, academic accommodations, and other resources.
  5. Establish a transparent, fair, and effective process for investigating complaints of sexual harassment and misconduct.

Policy Statement

Orane International College has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment, violence, and misconduct. Sexual misconduct includes any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates a hostile environment. The College will provide clear reporting mechanisms, offer support to survivors, and take disciplinary action where appropriate. All incidents will be treated with utmost seriousness and confidentiality.


This policy applies to all College community members, including students, faculty, staff, contractors, and visitors. It covers all College-related activities, whether on or off campus, including online interactions that occur in a College-sanctioned setting. It also applies to incidents involving individuals representing the College in any capacity.


  • Complainant: An individual who files a formal complaint of sexual misconduct or harassment.
  • Respondent: The individual alleged to have committed sexual misconduct.
  • Sexual Harassment: Unwanted conduct of a sexual nature that interferes with an individual’s right to a safe and respectful environment. This may include but is not limited to:
    • Inappropriate touching or physical contact
    • Sexually suggestive comments, jokes, or gestures
    • Unwelcome sexual advances
    • Display of sexually explicit materials
    • Use of power or authority to coerce sexual activity
  • Sexual Violence: It pertains to any sexual activity or behavior aimed at an individual’s sexuality, gender identity, or gender expression without their consent. This includes sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking, and voyeurism.
  • Consent: A voluntary, ongoing, mutual agreement to engage in sexual activity. Consent must be active and withdrawable at any time.
  • Disclosure: Sharing information about an experience of sexual misconduct with a College representative without necessarily initiating a formal complaint.
  • Retaliation: Any adverse action taken against someone for reporting sexual misconduct or for participating in an investigation or complaint process.

Reporting and Procedures

1. Reporting Incidents

  • Reports of sexual harassment or misconduct can be submitted to the College’s designated contact person for redressal, Ms. Monica Sood ( Director of International Training & Development.) Reports may be made confidentially via email at monica.sood@orane.com or in person.
  • In cases of immediate danger, individuals are encouraged to contact local law enforcement.

2. Immediate Response and Support

  • After receiving a report, the College will ensure the safety of the individual involved. This may include academic or work accommodations, safety planning, or temporary adjustments in housing or class arrangements.
  • Confidential support will be available for individuals who report incidents, including referrals to counselling and healthcare providers.

3. Investigation Process

  • Upon receiving a formal complaint, the College will initiate a formal investigation led by a trained investigator.
  • Both the complainant and respondent will be informed of their rights, the procedures, and the expected timeline.
  • The investigation will be conducted impartially, with both parties given an opportunity to present their side.
  • A final report will be issued to both parties once the investigation is concluded.

4. Disciplinary Actions

  • If the investigation finds that a policy violation occurred, disciplinary actions may include suspension, expulsion, termination of employment, or other sanctions as deemed appropriate by the College.
  • Individuals who engage in retaliation against someone for reporting sexual harassment will also be subject to disciplinary measures.

5. Appeals Process

  • Both the complainant and the respondent have the right to appeal decisions made as part of the investigation.
  • Appeals must be submitted within a specified time frame and will be reviewed by an impartial panel.

Prevention and Awareness

1. Education Programs
The College will conduct regular education programs for students, staff, and faculty to increase awareness about sexual harassment and violence. These programs will cover:

  • Definitions of sexual harassment and violence
  • Consent and its importance
  • Bystander intervention techniques
  • Reporting procedures and available resources

2. Online and Offline Campaigns
The College will maintain ongoing awareness campaigns to educate the community about sexual misconduct and prevention strategies. Information will be disseminated through workshops, posters, brochures, and digital platforms.

3. Faculty and Staff Training
All faculty and staff members are required to undergo annual training to ensure they understand the policy and can provide support to students who may disclose incidents of sexual harassment or violence.

Support and Resources

The College will provide individuals who experience sexual misconduct with access to the following:

  • Counselling Services: Professional counselling will be available to help individuals cope with the emotional impact of harassment or violence.
  • Medical Assistance: Referrals to healthcare services, including emergency medical care, will be made when needed.
  • Academic Accommodations: Adjustments to class schedules, assignments, or other academic requirements will be made as necessary to support the individual during and after the complaint process.
  • Legal Resources: The College will offer information about legal avenues available to the complainant, including pursuing charges through law enforcement if they choose.


The College is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of all parties involved in a report or complaint of sexual misconduct. Information will only be shared with those directly involved in the investigation or support process and as required by law. Confidentiality, however, does not guarantee anonymity, and there are limits where safety is at risk.

Retaliation Prohibited

The College strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against individuals who report sexual harassment or misconduct, participate in an investigation, or seek support. Retaliation may include intimidation, threats, or any adverse actions affecting an individual’s academic or work standing.

False Reporting

False or malicious reports of sexual misconduct are prohibited and will result in disciplinary action. However, a report made in good faith that does not result in a finding of sexual misconduct is not considered false reporting.

No Retaliation

  • Retaliation against anyone for reporting, disclosing, or being involved in a process under this policy is strictly prohibited. Disciplinary measures will be taken against those who engage in retaliation.
  • In cases where complaints are found to be frivolous or vexatious, appropriate action will be taken against the complainant.

If you have experienced sexual violence or misconduct, please contact the Director of International Training & Development, Monica Sood, immediately:

Phone:  +1 (604) 698-9168

Email: monica.sood@orane.ca